Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thing 14. LibraryThing

This is a pretty cool tool. I need to do some thinking about how to incorporate this into my library web page. Since I'm a high school teacher and don't have regular access to students through a fixed schedule, this may be a way for me to do virtual book talks. I could highlight different books on the main library page each week or month. We're also doing in-class projects with my English teachers. We had talked about a top 10 list from the class. This would be a neat way to post them. I think I'll try that. It would also be a way to post book reviews by me or students. I love that the covers are displayed.

1 comment:

Kathy Martin said...

We have just started a site for posting some book reviews. Check us out at DEHSLibrary. Our goal now is to publicize it to our students so that they use it for book ideas and help it grow.