Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thing 25: Blogger Toolkit

I'm not to excited right now. I had finished this post with the addition of 6 blogger tools, and then the whole post disappeared, even after I'd gone in and out several times. I guess I'll post again, but I've already speant about 3.5 hours on this "thing." There are so many of them. As I mentioned in my deleted post, I'm most interested in fuctionality that could also be pasted into teacher web pages built with Publisher. All our teachers are required to have one, so these tools could be slick. I had uploaded a picture from Flicker CC. I'll try again. Here is the attribution. Image: 'untitled'

I also set up a Site Meter Account to check on site visits. I set up a gVisit account, but it didn't work correctly. I pasted in the code, but it didn't do anything.

In inserted a PollDaddy poll which did work. I'll post it again below.

I also put in a search box to the left. I really like that one.

Finally, I put in a Google map below. That's easy too. I think pasting the code works well. I wish it was easier to see what you'd get before posting, however.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thing 24: Refresh Your Blog

It was good to get back into the blog again. I haven't really used it much since finishing 23 things, except as a way to get back to some of the resources I worked with.

I did give my blog a new look and added some links at the bottom. Some of the new gadgets might be useful if I get into using this more consistently. I switched out my avatar for a traveling photographer. We're heading south for spring break, and I'm ready!

As for blogging, I'm still considering setting up a media center blog to post on my main media center page. I just haven't had the time to get it done. We've been heavy into technology training for our teachers, and that has taken most of my time.

I did work with one of my English teachers this winter to start a blogging activity in his Explorations in Literature class. He had all the students set up blogs in blogspot. They put the settings to private and shared access with him as the teacher. It seems like a nice safe way to set it up in the classroom. We also took the advice of the teachers in Edina and sent a parent permission slip home. So far, it has been a nice way for him to get his students writing and reacting to literature.

So with Thing 24, I start my journey discovering more things on a stick.