Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thing 9: Online Collaboration Tools

I think this is my least favorite tool so far. While the online production tools aren't too bad (in fact, they are pretty good), I found the sharing cumbersome. Both tools are pretty straight forward and use easily recognizable tools shortcuts. That is helpful. I like how Google docs lets you revert to previous versions quite easily as well. It even has a trash can to store inadvertantly deleted versions. That could be a life saver. However, I'm not sure I see this as a huge time saver. I also wonder if several people could have the same document open at once. I guess if you were editing a shared document, it could be helpful. I had troubles opening the Jefferson piece. Maybe that's what turned me off on this.

1 comment:

PatriciaP said...

A few years ago, when 4 or 5 of us were trying to edit our organizational guidelines, some had trouble receiving attachments, and it was hard to know who wanted a particular edit. If I was going to work on them now, I would use Google docs, and have each person use a different color text for their ideas. But then again, maybe a wiki would work better for that.

Patricia P-