Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thing 6: Trading Card

Trading Card
Originally uploaded by Paul Beckermann
Here's my trading card. I liked the university use of them with the librarians being super heroes. However, I didn't see the options to make them as cool looking as they did. Maybe that was another template that I didn't see. I'll need to explore that some more. This could be a fun promotional tool. It could also be used in an English classroom to do Character trading cards when studying characterization.


PatriciaP said...

Very cool trading've got some good ideas for their use. Will be interesting to see what others are thinking, so remember to read other blogs if you have the time....

Patricia P-

Lydia Schultz said...

At my school (a K-8 School), we're going to have 4th graders turn the Revolutionary War bio information into trading cards to have in the classroom. I'll post on my blog (LIbrary Lady's 23 Things) once we've done it to tell how it did or didn't work.