Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thing 32: Google Maps and Mashups

I like this one. I like the interactivity of it. You can check out a map of downtown Dassel I created by clicking this link. I wish you could upload images instead of linking to them. The chance for link rot on these is pretty high, but I can understand space issues at Google if they start letting everyone upload images. Maybe they could automatically compress the images to allow for it in a smaller server. This would make the tool more attractive. I could see students using this in Geography to show us around different areas around the world. It would be a more interactive way to talk about all things geography. It could also work in a history project. For instance, you could have a student map out Paul Revere's famous ride or the path of the underground railroad.

One mashup I could see going over really well at my house is – Find a public bathroom anywhere in the country. That could be invaluable on a road trip!

I could see this one being useful for current events: Gaza Conflict YouTube Videos Map – This mashup shows the latest YouTube() videos about the Gaza conflict attached to their locations along the Gaza Strip and elsewhere.

This one of Obama's life is really cool. It makes the history more interactive and puts a place on the story.

There is some real potential with some of these applications.

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