Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thing 30: More RSS and

There are some tools here I just won't need, but a few look useful. I like the tracking feed to send UPS or FedEx updates to a feed reader. This would be great with my eBay orders or even my orders at school (although I usually don't need to track them that closely).

The calendar link did not work for me--forbidden.

I could see the .gov feeds be useful to my Social Studies teachers, especially in current events.

I was really excited about Feedmysearch, but every term I put in returned 0 results. I may have to try this again another day.

There are some nice Delicious features that I could use. I added the badge to my Blog. That could be a nice way of posting school sites on my media center page. I also like the "Bookmark This" feature that is on many news sites. I'm putting a tag roll there as well. That may even be more useful although kids don't seem very familiar with this yet.

I really like that RSS feeds can be imported into the Blog tool. Again, I think each user needs to decide how to manage all this information. This gives another method. I like that you can import right from the reader. That's what I did--very fast.

I read my feeds every now and then, but I should probably do it more. I like it to keep up with professional reading. I still need to set up a delicious account for my library. That's one of my goals for this fall. I want to put all my research sites in there so kids can search them. I have so many available that they can get lost in the lists (they can't see the link for the list . . . like the forest for the trees). I love it though. What a great tool.

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