Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thing 26: Join Ning

I actually joined the Ning during the first 23 Things on a Stick, but it was good for me to go back into it. I must admit, I haven't really used it since the first round, but I've always meant to go back to it. It might be a way to get an online community going at school. My teachers would probably be a bit apprehensive about anything that is too public since kids have a way of pulling information from the web and doing odd and embarassing things with it. We'd have to work through those potential conflicts.

For this go around, I updated my account, posted a response on the discussion forum and added a badge to my blog. As time goes on, I will continue to dig deeper into this. I've investigated several groups, but I'd be interested in becoming more involved in a few and possibly starting my own.

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